Hi Everybody
Welcome to my website. This is going to be like a blog site, but also like a portfolio, but also including posts about things I do or am working on that are fun.
A little bit about me... I am a computer guy. I don't know how I would describe myself quickly and in a few words. I like working with computers; whether it be software engineering, sysadmining, security stuff, networking, or just playing around with a new technology, I always have fun. I am currently pursuing Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Network & Computer Security. After graduation, I still don't really know what I want to do. All I know is, I want to work with computers in some way, one of the aforementioned ways would be ideal.
As I said, this is going to be used like a portfolio. However, I am using Gatsby, which is used in a lot of blogs. I really like how Gatsby has plugins for handling converting Markdown files into pretty HTML. Gatsby is built off of React, so I get all of the benefits of reactive components and responsiveness from React, while now being able to write all of my pages in Markdown and have them displayed nicely as HTML.

Here are some of the cool things I've built.
Sorting Algorithms
October 10, 2020
This is a super straight-forward web-app. All it does is generate bars of random lengths (heights) and allows the user to sort them. The bar…
October 28, 2019
This is my personal site. Here. Everything you see here was written by me (except for the framework). I have written and rewritten this site…
October 20, 2019
Stockerino is an app I started building for my CS490 class. The class was called Cross Platform Mobile Development with Dart and Flutter. In…
Media Subdomain
January 20, 2019
This is a very simple site, indeed. The main goal was for me to have a way of viewing Plex, Radarr, and Sonarr without having them at their…
October 20, 2018
OPCS is the culmination of a semesters long work on creating an online programming competition site. For my CS370 Software Engineering class…